In 2022, Northeast Woodland will no longer be collecting a supply fee for each student enrolling in our school, as we have over the last two years. However, as with all New Hampshire Public Charter Schools, the state does not adequately cover the cost of educating our students. In the 2022–2023 school year, the state of New Hampshire will be providing per-pupil tuition of only $7,339—far short of the actual per pupil cost of operating Northeast Woodland.

This year, we are asking all Northeast Woodland families to consider making a sustaining enrollment contribution to support the school. 

These donations will cover the cost of those supplies and curricular materials formerly covered by supplies fees, as well as fund essential positions, including classroom assistants and student support staff. Our goal is to raise an additional $300,000 to support these needs—while we do not expect sustaining enrollment donations from our families to raise that entire amount, we believe that if each family donates generously as they are able, the goal will be in reach. 

Our ability to meet the needs of our students is dependent upon a strong fundraising effort that includes annual support from our families, especially over these first years of our school’s life, as we establish our long-term financial plans.

Remember if your family meets the New Hampshire Department of Education’s definition of low income please be on the lookout for the form at the start of the school year.
You can
download last year’s eligibility guidelines here.

Working together, we, the families of the Northeast Woodland community, can build a thriving school that delivers on the promise of our unique educational mission. Our sustaining enrollment contributions are necessary to provide full staffing of the school for 2022–2023, including classroom assistants and student support staff.

Each household’s financial circumstances, obligations, and ability to give are different. Only you can decide what amount is right for your sustaining contribution. However, please refer to this sliding scale to review your suggested annual contribution amount based on your household income. (Please note that the suggested contribution amounts are per household not per pupil.)

Our ability to reopen this fall with staffing levels commensurate with the needs of our students is contingent on your generosity. Thank you for giving generously, as you are able.

*For Maine families, this suggested donation amount has already been factored into your tuition. Additional donations are always appreciated, but not expected.

**For PreK families, this suggested donation amount has already been factored into your tuition. Additional donations are always appreciated, but not expected.

***Suggested donation amounts are for households not filling out the voluntary identification of low-income students form. 

Northeast Woodland Chartered Public School is a registered 501(c)3 organization and your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.  All received donations are non refundable by law since they are tax deductible.