Your Northeast Woodland Application Process Starts Here:
Our open enrollment period begins on Monday January 27, 2025. Our two years of future year kindergarten (2026/27 and 2027/28) are also open. Open enrollment will run through March 7th and our lottery will be run the following week. After open enrollment closes we will accept applications on a rolling basis.
Northeast Woodland is open to all students in New Hampshire and on a paid tuition basis for out-of-state students. When applications for admission exceed the number of spaces available, we will hold a Lottery and generate a wait list for the following school year.
Please review out Lottery & Enrollment page for more details.
Our Pre-K program runs from 8am-2:30pm Monday through Friday. We offer a Two day, Three day and Five day enrollment option. Our three day program runs on Monday, Tues and Wednesday and our two day program runs on Thursday and Friday.
Our Pre-K program is a private program and is not a part of our charter. Any child enrolled in Pre-K is not automatically given a space in our kindergarten when the time comes. You can, however, apply for a future year kindergarten program at the same time that you apply for our Pre-K program if you wish.
Program Fees:
Two Day……. $5650
Three Day……. $7500
Five Day…….. $11,000
K-8th Grade
Our Kindergarten through 8th grade application process steps are outlined below. Please note if you already have an ALMA account for a current Northeast Woodland student please log into that account and add a student from there.
If you are a NH resident you need to submit your residency affidavit WITH YOUR APPLICATION. If we do not have your residency affidavit, your application will be run with our out-of-state student lottery after all NH residents have been placed.
All Kindergartners must be age five by
Sept 30, 2025 to enroll.
Tuition for K-8th out-of-state students is $10,900 with a $1500 deposit for 2025/26
Future Year Kindergarten
We lottery 15 spaces in each of our two future year Kindergarten lotteries. Anyone may apply for a future year Kindergarten lottery as long as your child will be age 5 by September 30th of the year you are applying for. Please be sure to also include a residency affidavit in your application. If you are not a NH resident, you may apply but please note that priority is given to NH residents.
Reach out to us with any questions.
We accept applications for an open future year kindergarten up until enrollment closes for the lottery in March each year. Any additional applications that come in after we have held our lottery we will add to the class if there are spaces and the waitlist if there are not.
To apply for a future year kindergarten please follow the “To Apply” steps below and be sure to select the correct year for the school year in which your student will be aged five by September 30th of that year.
Create an ALMA account (or log into your existing one if you have another student enrolled).
Enter your students name.
Click “Begin New Process” and select the year and grade you are applying for.
Clicking the green “Begin” button that appears with the application.
Follow the application process steps as presented. Be sure to upload a completed residnecy form before submitting your application or we will consider you an out-of-state resident.
If you have another student to apply for please click “add student” in the bottom left corner to start the process for another student.
Prospective Parents:
As a school with unique educational offerings and high expectations, it is important that families are well informed prior to applying. An important piece to the program at Northeast Woodland is engaging the family to participate and be an extension of the learning in the classroom. Because of this approach, families interested in enrolling their child at Northeast Woodland are asked to observe the following process:
Become familiar with the Waldorf developmental and artistic approach to education by reviewing our curriculum pages and checking out these additional articles and resources on our Alliance for Public Waldorf page.
Attend an open house: Our open house schedules are updated on the home page of our website.