Enrollment & Lottery

We have applications available for PreK, Kindergarten - 8th grade, and our two years of future year kindergarten (2025/26 and 2026/27). We are currently accepting applications on a rolling basis for any classrooms with space available for the fall. Please click on the “Apply Now” button above to complete an application.

Enrollment for the 2025/26 school year is now open!
After March 7th we will accept applications on a rolling basis.


K-8th Grade: Enrollment

Open Enrollment:

Applications will be opened on January 27, 2025 which is the start of our open enrollment period. Open enrollment will close on March 7, 2025.


Out Of State Students:

Each out-of-state student who attends will pay tuition. That tuition amount is based upon the State of NH per pupil allotment. The tuition for out of state students for the 2025/2026 school year is $10,900.

A $1500 deposit will be due with your students contract. We offer three payment plans: an annual plan, three payment plan and 7 payment plan. For more details or if you have questions regarding enrolling as an out of state family please contact us.


School Information Sessions:

We highly recommend attending an open house information session prior to completing your application. Our next enrollment open house will be announced on our home page.


Lottery Timeline:

The lottery for K-8th grade placement and Pre-K placement for the 2025-2026 school year will be held the week of March 10, 2025.


Future-Year Kindergarten Placement:

This year we will also run a lottery for up to 15 spaces in the kindergarten programs of 2026/27 and 2027/28. This allows families to potentially secure a space up to two years in advance for their child in a Kindergarten class.

We accept applications for an open future year kindergarten up until enrollment closes for the lottery in March each year.  As additional applications come in after we have held our lottery we will add them to the class if there are spaces and the waitlist if there are not. 


K-8th Grade: Lottery Guidelines/Process

Intent To Return:

In order to reserve a spot for the following year, all current students who will be continuing at Northeast Woodland must complete their contract in mid Feb. If a student withdraws from Northeast Woodland and subsequently wishes to return, the student will be considered a new student for admission purposes and may be subject to the lottery, depending on vacancies. 


Siblings of Existing Students:

All siblings of existing students who have completed applications by the close of open enrollment, will be placed prior to holding the lottery. If there are more students then there are places, then a sibling lottery will be held. These students’ names will be drawn and placed on a waiting list for the coming school year in the order in which they are drawn.


Children of Faculty, Staff, and Founding Northeast Waldorf Education Foundation Board Members:

Children in this category who have completed applications by the close of open enrollment, will be placed after the siblings of existing students and prior to holding the lottery. If there are more students then there are places, then a faculty, staff, and founding members lottery will be held. These students’ names will be drawn and placed on a waiting list for the coming school year in the order in which they are drawn. 


New Hampshire Students:

Beginning with the oldest grade, a blind lottery will be held using a computer program to randomly rank the class candidates. As a candidate is placed into a class, their sibling(s) will also be placed into the appropriate grade if there is a spot, or they will assume the next place on the waiting list for that class. Once there are no more places in a grade, candidates will assume places on the waiting list in the order of the lottery random ranking. 

Out-of-State Students:

Following the placement of New Hampshire students, a blind lottery will be held using a computer program to randomly rank the out-of-state class candidates. As a candidate is placed into a class, their sibling(s) will also be placed into the appropriate grade if there is a spot, or they will assume the next place on the waiting list for that class. Once there are no more places in a grade, candidates will assume places on the waiting list in the order of the lottery random ranking. 

*In New Hampshire, the cost of a student’s special education services is born by the sending district. The state of New Hampshire will not pay for an out-of-state child’s special education services. Please check with the school district in which you live to see if they will provide your’ child’s services at Northeast Woodland if not you will be responsible for arranging and paying for your child’s required services.


K-8th Grade: Following The Lottery 

After The Lottery:

Families of admitted students have 48 hours following notification of their lottery placement to complete their enrollment. Completion of enrollment will result in securing a child’s place in the class. If completed enrollment is not received within 48 hours that space will be offered to the next family in line.


Waitlisted Students:

If there is no longer space available in the class for which they have applied, the candidate will be placed on the waitlist in the order their name was drawn. If an opening occurs in the appropriate grade, students on the waitlist will be contacted according to their order on the waitlist. Students on the waitlist who opt out of enrolling when space is available automatically surrender their place on the waitlist for the current school year. 

For any student currently on our waitlist for the 2024/25 school year, their name will not be carried over to the waitlist for the following school year. In order to be admitted for the 25/26 school year, the student’s name must be entered into the lottery with all new applicants. Parents of students waitlisted for the 24/25 school year must notify the school by the end of the open enrollment period in Mach of 2025, if they intend to re-apply for the coming school year. Their child’s name will remain on the waitlist for the current school year through June 2025. 

Students who apply to Northeast Woodland after the lottery date will be admitted only if space is available. If space is not available, they will be placed on the waitlist in the order that their completed application is received.

For students who’s status changes from a non-enrolled-sibling to enrolled-sibling or from out-of-state to in-state residency their place on the waitlist will shift accordingly.



Our Pre-K curriculum is informed by the practices of Waldorf Early Childhood Education. It is focused on developing the physical body, children’s social skills, self-regulation, and their capacity for focusing their attention. Children benefit from the predictable daily rhythm, healthy snack foods, ample time for play, and plenty of time outdoors discovering their world, accompanied by skilled and loving educators. Teachers bring nature stories, as well as simple fairy and folk tales. Songs are woven into activity throughout the day. 


Programs and Tuition for 2025/2026:

  • Five Day Early Childhood Program:
    Monday - Friday (8am-2:20pm) $11,000/year. $1,500 deposit

  • Three Day Early Childhood Program:
    Monday, Tuesday, Wed (8am-2:20pm) $7,500/year. $1,000 deposit

  • Two Day Early Childhood Program:

    Thursday & Friday (8am-2:20pm) $5,650/year. $750 deposit


2024/2025 Payment Plans:

Annual Plan:
Balance of tuition (total above minus your deposit) due on August 15, 2025.  

Three Payment Plan:
Balance of tuition (total above minus your deposit) due in equal installments on: August 15th, November 15th and February 15th.

Seven Payment Plan:
Balance of tuition (total above minus your deposit) due in equal installments on the 15th of each month starting in August and completing in February 2026. 


Enrollment and Lottery:

We are offering a single Early Childhood classroom for the 2025/2026 school year for three and four year-old children.

Our early childhood hours match those of our K-8th grade, with a start time of 8am and ending time of 2:30pm.  Our plan is to have a total of 10 students each day along with our lead teacher and assistant.

Due to the very high level of interest in our Early Childhood program we are going to place students with a lottery process similar to that which we use for our grades enrollment.  We will be opening applications to all families interested in the program during our open enrollment period in January 2025.  Those applications will be due back to us by the close of the open enrollment period in early March 2025 to qualify for the lottery.  We will hold our lottery the following week and will inform families of their placement once our lottery process is completed.

Siblings of currently enrolled Northeast Woodland students will be placed first. All other NH and Maine residents will be weighted equally in the lottery.   Once we complete our lottery, we will send out our enrollment contracts to those being offered a space. We will notify all other families of their waiting list status. Your program fee deposit will be due with those contracts to formally enroll your student at Northeast Woodland.  Families who receive a class placement will have 48 hours to complete the enrollment contract and deposit. After 48 hours, that placement will go to another child if the contract and deposit have not been received. 


Entrance Age Policy:

  • A pupil may enter kindergarten if their chronological age will be five years on or before September 30 of the year of entering kindergarten. There are no exceptions to this rule.

  • A pupil may enter pre-k if their chronological age will be three years on or before August 31 of the year of entering school.

  • A birth certificate must be presented upon registration.

  • Incoming transfer students will be initially placed in accordance with the information forwarded by the sending district. Such placement is tentative and subject to reassignment by the Head of School.

It is important that we discover an educational method where people learn to learn and go on learning their whole lives -Rudolf Steiner