Family Involvement


Dear Northeast Woodland Parents and Community Members,

Thank you for entrusting Northeast Woodland with your child’s education.  Here we are, almost to winter break in our inaugural year, and the feedback we have received has been nothing short of amazing!  First and foremost, we want to express our incredible gratitude to our teachers and staff who continue to work long hours as we navigate the starting of an entirely new school with the additional burden of the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Without their hard work and dedication, our school would not be the success it has been.

Northeast Woodland was created with the goal of integrating a Waldorf-inspired curriculum with the core values and culture of life in the Mount Washington Valley region.  Our charter frequently speaks to our commitment to active involvement in our community and the value we believe that brings to our students and to the community as a whole.  In a nutshell, it is our belief that we create the world in which we live – and that you’ve chosen Northeast Woodland for your child’s education because you share our passion for working to create that world.

As you may already be aware, the financial resources available to a chartered public school are less than half that of a traditional public school.  We have recently received great news about potential startup funding available in the new year.  This will certainly help us to build a strong foundation, but in order to be successful in the long term, chartered public schools rely on the support of community members to support our shared educational goals.  As parents and community members who have made the choice to send your children to Northeast Woodland, you have already shown that the education your child receives is worth your effort and your time.

There are many ways to support Northeast Woodland, but in this letter we want to focus on the idea that “many hands make light work.”  Many people have put tremendous work in to ensure that Northeast Woodland was able to open its doors in September.  Now that the challenge of opening is behind us, we are looking to expand opportunities for the “hands” of our community to leverage their time, talent, and treasure to continue our work of providing the very best education we can imagine.  Our community is made up of individuals with a diverse range of experience and skills which, when working together, can achieve successes for our school and our children beyond our wildest dreams.  Please click on the link to our Google form below for a list of volunteer opportunities available for you to become an active partner in the Northeast Woodland educational mission.

If you would like to become involved or learn more about any of these opportunities, please fill out the google form located at here.  If you have any questions about specific opportunities, please don’t hesitate to reach out to David Paige and he will be happy to answer your questions and provide you information.


Northeast Woodland School Board