Northeast Woodland Covid Policy Updates

This presents a summary of Northeast Woodland’s COVID-19 related policies for parents and students. This will be updated as policies change throughout the year. Policies are subject to change based on shifting local conditions, and changes in state and federal guidance and regulation. All policy changes and or additions/clarifications which are new appear in italic. Updated on 4/7/21.


In-Person/Distance Learning

Provided we are able to continue to meet in person, every two months families will have the opportunity to evaluate whether their child will continue to engage in in-person schooling or will change to distance-learning. Please notify us by April 25 of your intention to change your child’s status from in-person to distance-learning or vice versa. Students will make the change following April Break for the rest of the year.


Daily Screening Before School

  Parents will screen children daily before school for any of the following symptoms which are potential COVID symptoms: 

-       Fever or chills

-       Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

-       Fatigue

-       Muscle or body aches

-       Headache

-       New loss of taste or smell

-       Sore throat

-       Congestion or runny nose

-       Vomiting/Diarrhea


Children who are symptomatic must stay at home. The State of NH Guidelines recommend any presentation of any of these symptoms should be followed up with a COVID test. Students who are not tested must stay out of school for at least 10 full days. Fever must be resolved for at least 24 hours before a return to school. Children who are tested and found to be negative may return to school. 

*Children who are quarantining or isolating at home that feel well may engage in distance learning and be counted present for attendance. Please understand that it may take 1-2 days from the time you notify your child’s teacher that your child is ready to engage in distance learning to implement a program.


Becoming Symptomatic at School

If a child presents with any of the above symptoms at school, parents will be called to pick the child up. The child will wear a face mask and be separated from classmates and others until their parent arrives. The State of NH Guidelines recommend any presentation of any of these symptoms should be followed up with a COVID test. Students who are not tested must stay out of school for at least 10 full days. Fever must be resolved for at least 24 hours before a return to school. Children who are tested and found to be negative may return to school with a Doctor’s note indicating their symptoms are improving.


Confirmed COVID-19 Exposure

Students/teachers/staff who have been exposed (10 or more minutes within 6 feet over a period of up to 2 days when the person was already contagious) to an individual confirmed to have COVID-19, must quarantine at home for 10 days after the last known contact. The last day of contact is counted as day zero. Following a confirmed exposure, a person cannot test-out of a 10-day quarantine. If a community member is exposed outside of school, the exposure does not necessitate a shift or change in school policies unless that individual becomes positive, as confirmed through testing. When a student or staff member tests positive, school community members who are deemed to have had a close contact with that individual will need to engage in a 10 day quarantine. Individuals should continue to closely monitor themselves for symptoms through day 14.


Additional Temperature Check

Out of an abundance of caution, students will receive a temperature check in their car during school drop-off.



All students in the school pre-k through 7th grade will wear masks at all times in the building. Students’ masks should be at least a cloth mask with two layers of fabric. Surgical masks and N95 masks are okay as well. Masks with valves are not acceptable. 

 All students will wear masks when singing. Singing will be done exclusively outside. 



The state of NH has lifted the quarantine requirement for travel within the US. For travel outside of the US, or on a cruise ship, There is now an option to shorten the required 10 day quarantine following travel to 6-7 days by testing negative to a pcr test for COVID. With a negative result, the individual could return to school after completing the full 7 day quarantine. This quarantine shortening does not apply to quarantines due to having a close contact (10 or more minutes within 6 feet or less) with an individual known to have COVID. Click here for DHHS travel guidance. Individuals should continue to closely monitor themselves for symptoms through day 14.


Sharing Food

The only food that will be shared at school this year, is food that teachers have prepared for the students. This means that we will not have students bring in birthday treats from home or have families send food for special days. Birthday treats will be something simple like apple slices and honey or cinnamon sugar. If your family has a specific allergy concern that requires you to prepare your child’s food, the teacher will notify you when they are going to prepare a birthday treat.


Links to Recent State and National Guidance

Recommendations for Responding to COVID in K-12 Schools

COVID School Toolkit

COVID 19 Education FAQ   


American Academy of Pediatrics - School Re-entry Considerations